Check Out Our Open House!

You’ve got questions like: I joined the study, what’s next? Why is WISDOM recommending I get a mammogram every two years? Is it safe to not get a mammogram every year? What happens if you gave me a screening recommendation but I didn’t follow it? Good news, we’ve got answers! We are excited to […]
You Asked, We Listened. Introducing the New “Mammogram Upload” Feature.

We’re always working to improve your experience in the WISDOM Study and make participation easy and efficient. Drum roll please… introducing our new WISDOM iPhone collaboration. Just kidding (but I got your attention). Our new “Mammogram Upload” feature is not as flashy as an iPhone 12 but you’ll find it’s very useful. This new feature […]
It’s Not the Size that Matters, it’s the Density! (why WISDOM collects your mammogram reports)

What’s so important in your mammogram report and why do we ask for it? The WISDOM Study collects your mammogram reports to learn about your breast density. High breast density is a risk factor for developing breast cancer, and therefore an important piece of information for us to have as we evaluate your risk to […]
Vaccines, Lumps, and Mammograms: What You Need to Know

As the COVID-19 vaccine is now more widely available, and women return to their regular care and screenings, we have some guidance from our team of experts to help you through the process and reduce your concern about vaccination, and the possibility of developing enlarged lymph nodes disguising as lumps. If you are due for […]
Women of WISDOM Blog: Spotlight on Cynthia Kintigh

How did you hear about the WISDOM Study? I receive my healthcare at UC Davis Health and I was recruited there by my medical team. Please tell me about your willingness to participate in research. I’m interested in research, especially with regard to screening. I thought that since screening is so non-invasive, and if the […]